The Arizona Experiment Station

The West is Burning

Told through a full-feature documentary film, this awareness campaign explores the history of forest management that led to the current catastrophic fires across the West. People are invited to participate by making and sharing short films and hosting a screening with discussion.
Home page on desktop
80% of PBS Stations
The film was released in October 2020 with prime-time airing on most PBS stations across the U.S.
Story Map
Tour the western U.S. through short stories to learn how wildfires are impacting lives and how people and systems are adapting to this new normal.
Host a Screening
The film is more effective when watched and talked about with others such as classmates, colleagues, family and friends. We invite the public to sign up to host free screenings in their community. Each host received a complimentary viewing guide to help them organized their event.
Make Films
To help us broaden the conversation, we partnered with Filmstacker to empower people to make and share short films from the video footage of this documentary. This was utilized by The Nature Conservancy and The Sierra Club, among many other organizations.
Support our Forests
Learn about forests near and far by connecting with partner organizations who work hard to keep them healthy. Donations support their efforts so forests can be enjoyed for generations to come.
In the Press
Our work caught the attention of the New York Times and many reputable publications within and beyond the western U.S.
Responsive design: 
Responsive Website
Full-feature Documentary Film
Awareness Campaign Collateral
GIS Mapping
Video Widget

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