The Arizona Experiment Station


An Emmy-award winning documentary explores the research behind the UA's technology that turns waste into resources for astronauts. This science could be the key to sustainable food production here on Earth as population estimates are forecasted to rise.
Earthlight Documentary
Video Production
CCT’s Video Unit provided a complete production of the documentary film which includes conducting interviews, researching, filming, editing and promoting through social media.
Image Gallery
A gallery displays photos with quotes from scientists and students involved in the Lunar Greenhouse Project–allowing users to explore content in a visual and fun way.
Get a snapshot of the project from this helpful and creative visual representation.
Promo Trailer
A captivating preview of the film was shown in theaters and utilized to promote the film on television.
Visitors may watch full interviews of featured scientists in the film.
Social Media Campaign
The message of Earthlight reached many people through Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Google+, LinkedIn and many others. The film was picked up by PBS and had many scheduled screenings.
Responsive design: 
Video Production
UI Design
Social Media Campaign

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