A collaborative effort with Arizona ASHLine to bring an accessible progressive web app into the hands of people wanting to quit tobacco usage. Piggy backing off the efforts of behavioral scientists, WebQuit provided an intuitive dashboard with vice-killing encouraging widgets. Although no longer in production, it offered a native app experience, low load times, with configurable email/text notifications. Quitting smoking has never been this cool.

Widget Dashboard

Behaviorally driven widgets, designed to be simple and easy, to empower and remind users of their goals.
Cost Calculator

A customizable calculator allowing users to match their tobacco usage with potential money savings.
Chat with a Coach

Connecting users with highly trained and skilled quitting coaches in a real-time chat. (Sorry Alexa, these are real people.)
Email and Text Notifications

People can opt-in to be reminded of their quitting progress via email or text messages. Waking up to an encouraging message is a great way to emotionally engage users.

ASHLine understands it's audience so we built Webquit to offer a full experience in Spanish and English.
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