The Arizona Experiment Station


You will need a NetID for access to the new email server.

To determine if you have or had a NetID in the past:

  1. Visit this web address:
  2. Select "UA Employee" and click "Next >".
  3. Enter your EMPLID, PIN or numbers from your CatCard, and birth date. If you don't know this information call the 24/7 IT Support Center at 520-626-8324.

If you have never had a NetID:

  1. Visit this web address:
  2. Select "UA Employee" and click "Next >".
  3. Enter your EMPLID, PIN, and birth date. If you don't know this information call the 24/7 IT Support Center at 520-626-8324.

If registering for a NetID on the web proves too difficult call the 24/7 IT Support Center at 520-626-8324 as they are best equipped to help you. If the 24/7 IT Support Center is unable to help because you can't provide them your EMPLID send a request for this information to

After acquiring or gaining access to your NetID, you must complete or retake the email migration survey. If your link to the survey does not gain you access, please contact

For all other NetID questions, including resetting a password, visit