The Arizona Experiment Station

Configure Android devices

  1. Download Google's Email app from Google Play.
  2. Open Google's Email app.
  3. Enter your Email address at the Account setup screen. This is the email address you selected on the email survey to be your outgoing email address.
  4. Tap the forward button at the bottom right.
  5. Tap Exchange.
  6. Enter your NetID password.
  7. Tap the forward button at the bottom right.
  8. Change the USERNAME value to your NetID.
  9. Change the SERVER value to
  10. Tap the forward button at the bottom right.
  11. Tap OK at the Remote security administration screen.
  12. Tap the forward button at the bottom right.
  13. Tap Activate.
  14. Tap the forward button at the bottom right.
  15. Email will begin to synchronize.